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Let me help you achieve your goals in Driving. Learn how to get the best out of your car and get better results.  

I started my instruction career at Enstone's Drive & Survive rally school in the United Kingdom while also competing in selected British rallies, this lead to instructing for the Ford Rallye Academy, Brands Hatch rally school, rally school, one on one driver coaching & ultimately with Prodrive, employed to help customer's get the most from there new Subaru rally cars on every surface while also competing in selected WRC world rally rounds & being crowned China Rally Champion. My full-time race instruction career started with in a variety of front/ rear wheel drive, left/right hand drive & single seater racecar's on most of the European circuits. I was then honoured to represent New Zealand in D1 Great Britain & the European Drift Championships all over Europe while helping up & coming drivers learn the art of driving "on the edge of out of control". From here an opportunity presented itself in China to drive, manage, build & instruct a 3 car Prodrive production world rally Team, winning the championship outright in our first year..."My first full championship ever." Back in New Zealand after helping Elton Goonan manage Hampton Downs circuit I was employed by to instruct clients on track in prestigious supercar brands including Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Audi & Aston Martin. These opportunities have allowed me to become a practitioner of all three disciplines on top of a lifetime of competition experience including Athletic's, Off-Road Radio Controlled Car Racing, Skateboarding, BMX, Motocross & Zen-do-kai Freestyle Martial Arts... Please feel free to contact me here or through whether it's to just give it a go or compete at the highest level available to you... I am more than happy to discuss your motorsport dream's & aspirations with you


What the customer gets out of it.

whhat you get

-Tony will sit with you in the car

-Analysing your driving style


"Tony's wide experience in rallying has been of great benefit to us. He has instructed on all our rally courses and stages for 3 years showing great skill and composure. A man who truly knows his trade."


—  Phil Ellis, Group Chief Instructor,


Lovin your work!

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